Calibre offers the perfect solution for meeting any short-term demands your business might have for Hospitality and Food Service Staff.
Trust us to source a suitable team member at short notice, drawing from our database of top-quality candidates. Our professional temporary Chefs, Wait Staff, Baristas, Food Service Attendants, Cleaners & Kitchen Hands have experience in Hospitality, Aged Care, Child Care, Event & Education industries.
The right team member to the right venue
We know that each location has a unique work environment with different requirements and that staff work at different levels. This understanding has allowed us to develop a tailored fee structure that is agile, cost-effective, and delivers the best results to our clients. In fact, we’re proud to offer some of the most attractive rates for Hospitality and Food Service staff in Victoria.
Smart Resourcing
Our goal is to take the pain out of sourcing the right staff during peak periods. Our ability to maintain an outstanding network of expert team allows us to meet your hospitality staff requirements in a timely fashion.
We guarantee our service by presenting professional candidates that we believe are also the best culture fit. We understand it’s an industry that never sleeps, so we support our clients by providing a service 7 days a week. With Calibre, you always have support available.